562, Mallin Street, New York, NY 100 254
Call Us Today: (990) 654-1547



The intricate structure and organization of the nervous system, unraveling the complexities of the brain and spinal cord to deepen our understanding of cognitive function and neurological disorders.


The microscopic study of tissues, unveils the hidden beauty of cellular structures, providing crucial insights into the architecture and functions that underlie the complexity of living organisms.


The meticulous exploration of bones, unraveling the skeletal framework of the human body and shedding light on the evolutionary, anatomical, and forensic aspects of the skeletal system.

BioForma Discovery Lab

Exploring the wonders of the human body, our anatomy lab is a hands-on journey through the intricate structures and functions that define life, fostering a deeper understanding of the marvels within.

Our Research

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accusantium doloremque laudantium,

Successful Story (Alen and Marry)

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Latest News

From Lab to Life: Osteology Innovations Pave the Way for Prosthetic Advancements

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vestibulum auctor orci et euismod. Praesent efficitur fermentum tortor, a ullamcorper ligula fermentum nec. Proin non fermentum ex. Sed non libero nec purus fermentum elementum. Sed auctor augue at quam fermentum, id iaculis mi ultricies. Nullam eu tristique nisl, in hendrerit mi. Vivamus convallis auctor dolor,

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Histology Breakthrough: Advancements in Tissue Imaging Transform Diagnostic Precision

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vestibulum auctor orci et euismod. Praesent efficitur fermentum tortor, a ullamcorper ligula fermentum nec. Proin non fermentum ex. Sed non libero nec purus fermentum elementum. Sed auctor augue at quam fermentum, id iaculis mi ultricies. Nullam eu tristique nisl, in hendrerit mi. Vivamus convallis auctor dolor,

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